It is time for our official 406 Cruiser Club meeting! This month GO FAST CAMPERS has graciously opened their doors for us to host our meeting there.

We all know camping and off-roading go together like FJ40’s and broken birfields, like 80’s and lockers, like 200’s and paid oil changes! And what is cooler than getting to sleep in a mobile tree house. Roof top tents are an awesome addition to a Land Cruiser and GFC makes one of the very best!

We will conduct our regular club business and then get a tour of some of GFC’s latest offerings and hear about their growing company. Feel free to bring your Roof Top Tent (RTT) to show off. I know we have several GFC’s but it would be cool to set up a few other brands and styles so people could check them out.

We will start at 7pm at GFC’s retail space at 54 Bullrush Ave Belgrade, MT 59714 their space is in Belgrade so plan a little extra time depending on where you’re coming from. It should be a full 50 degrees warmer than our April meeting!

Old business:

Dillion Trip Update
Trasharoo Update and Preorder

New Business:
Club Leadership Role openings
Upcoming Trail runs

And we will have some give-a-ways too!